Thursday, February 21, 2008

The School Library As Warehouse v. The Library- Lovers

Here's the answer to the question I posed to myself last Thursday ... No. Teachers holding a faculty meeting in my library weren't tempted to check out the gorgeous books that were on display. The books were all standing tall like soldiers. No one even looked at them, as far as I could tell.

Some of my teachers check out oodles of books. They treat the library like a book warehouse.

Collaboration? This occurs when I approach them. I tend to approach the teachers that I believe will be receptive. I don't take rejection well. :0(

The only teachers with whom I collaborate on a semi- regular basis are the 5th grade teachers. Each year, I take a larger chunk of the Big Research Project. This year, I created a pathfinder to the library's resources and it was well received by teachers and students.

And the icing on the cake? Fifth- graders wander in and out of the library asking for all manner of things: a Native American tale because they're curious about something they read in class; a resource on the Rockettes because of an upcoming visit to NYC; more books on poisonous snakes because "they're cool," etc. THIS is why I do what I do!

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