Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Blogoshpere

Last week, I created a school blog on my school webpage. I've decided, for now, to ask students directed questions about literature and I'm hoping they will have fun with this! (Check it out:

My students are a diverse group- some with computers at home and some with none. With respect to books, the same applies- some have them, some do not.

I worry not only about the lack of books and computers in their lives, but also about them not having opportunities to express themselves about things that matter to them. I'm hoping that if given the opportunity to speak their minds, without having to worry about their penmanship or about being graded, they will enjoy the experience.

There are many times when I feel that technology is not as important as literature, especially when I see some of the boys and girls struggle with reading and writing. Blogging is, I think, a perfect way for me to encourage and support their learning in a way that will also introduce them to technology.

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