Saturday, March 8, 2008

Walk - Through Rubric

I've been thinking about the Walk- Through that will take place near the end of the year. It's a time for all of us to smile big and show off.

I've created an imaginary rubric for this event. (Frankly, I have no idea what they're looking for and which students they will interview.)

These are the questions they should be asking:
  • Can students and teachers use the library before and/or after school?
  • Are the library's computers on and available for students during library hours?
  • Can students find the information/books they need and can they ask for help?
  • Are the library's materials current?
  • Do the library's materials meet the diverse needs and reading levels of the students?
  • Can students find resources appropriate to their needs (i.e., books, web sites, on-line databases)
  • Are students actively engaged and focused in the library?
  • Is the librarian available to assist individual students (when she's not teaching)?
  • Is the library a welcoming and friendly environment?
  • Does the librarian provide information regarding resources and events (brochure, web page, blog)?
  • Does the library provide handouts to assist students engaged in research?

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