Thursday, March 20, 2008

Pew Again

Back In February, I wrote about a Pew study on libraries that revealed some interesting data on Gen Y and how much time they spent in libraries. This survey, conducted by the Pew Internet and American Life Project found that young adults aged 18 to 30 frequent public libraries more regularly than older people.

It's just come to my attention that the news Hour with Jim Lehrer highlighted this topic of library usage in the age of personal computers and the Internet, by featuring essayist Julia Keller of the Chicago Tribune, on March 13. Keller reflected on the road ahead for public libraries in the modern era. Go to:, for the complete transcript.

One remark by Keller that really stood out for me was: "
No matter how zippy our computers, no matter how much data is available to us wherever we happen to be, there will always be a reason to go to the library."


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