Sunday, March 9, 2008


Each elementary school in our district has the following equipment:
  • 4 desktops in every classroom -- Well used, well- maintained
  • 1 PC based computer lab -- Well used, not as well maintained
  • Distance Learning mobile kiosk -- Little used
  • 2 iMacs for digital video editing -- Little used (Most teachers don't know where they are!)
  • 1 mobile laptop cart -- Little used (mostly used by me and the Gifted teacher)
  • 8 desktop computers in library -- Well used, well- maintained
  • Classroom projectors -- Getting more use, but .....
  • Digital still and video cameras -- Well used, often returned missing accessories
I would LOVE to add an interactive whiteboard to that list. One of those would really facilitate active learning!

All computers in the district are networked and have a high-speed connection to the Internet. Educators and students have the opportunity to view educational videos over the Internet via video-on-demand services from the Delaware County Intermediate Unit.

Professional development that models integration of technology with curriculum would improve usage. I am planning on initiating professional development workshops utilizing the following technologies:
  • Distance Learning Opportunities (virtual field trips)
  • Blogs, Wikis (writing, journaling)
  • Destiny (Using Web Path Express instead of Google)
  • Online databases and PowerLibrary resources
I would love to partner with a teacher with whom I've worked, because a workshop that is presented collaboratively will be more meaningful and productive, I think.

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