Tuesday, March 11, 2008

An Early Morning Visitor

This is how my day started ...

It was my typical harried morning-- gulping coffee, turning on computers, checking in books, checking out books, gulping coffee, looking at my plan book, returning phone calls, making copies, helping a colleague use the scanner, gulping coffee ... Suddenly, I hear unfamiliar footsteps. Then, "This library always looks beautiful!" I look up from my computer screen.

"Well, hello, Dr. Kerr! Welcome to the library."

It's the boss of bosses, the chief of chiefs, the Big Cheese. It's the Superintendent. "You know, it's a really beautiful space. I don't have to do much ..."

"On the contrary. Your little touches make all the difference. I love your wall decorations and the beautiful books on display And the fish tank is great."

"Well, thanks!" Shes' walking out the door. We wished each other a good day.

I fixed a paper jam, gulped coffee, sharpened pencils, checked my email, double- checked today's schedule, time to get more coffee ...

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