Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Primary Resources: Focus on Collaboration

I'm adding 3 new items to my list of what I've learned by exploring American Memory and reading the comments shared by my colleagues ...

7. Primary resources provide students with an opportunity to connect on an emotional level.
8. Primary resources make history come alive.
9. Primary resources can be used to initiate collaboration

Some thoughts on item #9: I believe that the library media specialist should be a leader in efforts to collaborate. In a perfect world, the culture of the school should support collaboration, but if that's not the case, then it is important to connect with a teacher who is ready, willing and able to collaborate with you. Then, the classroom teacher and the librarian can demonstrate the power of collaborative practice to the rest of the faculty. Also, don't be dissuaded by the lack of enthusiasm at first. Be persistent and have patience!

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